We at Beaks and Chirps ensure providing nutritious diet, maintaining proper cleanliness & hygiene along with cage free environment for the overall health & happiness of our feathered friends.
We follow series of efforts in birds taming, health & nutrition which includes:
*Health checkup
*Perch training
*Step up training
“Human friendly
*Balanced nutritious diet includes fresh fruits, veggies.
*Play time/ Activity time
*Maintaining proper hygiene & cleanliness.
*Premium Quality seed mix.
Detailed information about proper care, food routine in the form of Do’s and Don’t.
*Provide assistance related to bird settling to a new place.
Hand Taming: Hand taming means that the bird sits on your hand.
You can take the bird on your hand & spent quality time with them.

Perch Training: Our birds are perch trained. You can take the bird on the perch/ wooden stick and take them on your hands. They are well versed in Perch Training.

Step up Trained: Our birds are step up trained.You can easily take them on your finger and make them step up and hold them in your hands
This will increase your bond with them.

Balanced Nutritious Diet
Good nutrition plays an essential role for the overall health of the bird.
We at Beaks & Chirps ensures providing balanced nutritional food which includes premium quality seed mix along with soft diet consists of fresh fruits, veggies, sprouts, overnight soaked nuts etc.

Cage free Environment.
We ensures cage free environment to our birds.
It increases physical activity and provide them the opportunity to feel free, relaxed and acts as a nutrition for their health and happiness.

Do’s & Don’t:
We provide our pet parents information about soft food, environment & help them getting their Petbird settled at their place.
Maintaining Hygiene & Cleanliness
We ensure changing paper of waste tray on everyday basis & providing fresh clean water to keep them healthy & free from all diseases

Premium Seed Mix
We provide premium quality seed mix and never compromise with the quality of the seeds.